Please print the registration form below, or fill it out online.

    Camper Info

    FIRST HALF - 7/1/25-7/25/25SECOND HALF - 7/28/25-8/21/25WHOLE SUMMER - 7/1/25-8/21/25

    Shuttle is a charter service that picks the campers up from a local monsey area destination and drops them back off at the same spot at the end of the day. It is $20 weekly per camper. It is offered for the boys, mini and girls camps


    FIRST HALF - 7/1/25-7/25/25SECOND HALF - 7/28/25-8/21/25WHOLE SUMMER - 7/1/25-8/21/25

    Shuttle is a charter service that picks the campers up from a local monsey area destination and drops them back off at the same spot at the end of the day. It is $20 weekly per camper. It is offered for the boys, mini and girls camps


    FIRST HALF - 7/1/25-7/25/25SECOND HALF - 7/28/25-8/21/25WHOLE SUMMER - 7/1/25-8/21/25

    Shuttle is a charter service that picks the campers up from a local monsey area destination and drops them back off at the same spot at the end of the day. It is $20 weekly per camper. It is offered for the boys, mini and girls camps


    FIRST HALF - 7/1/25-7/25/25SECOND HALF - 7/28/25-8/21/25WHOLE SUMMER - 7/1/25-8/21/25

    Shuttle is a charter service that picks the campers up from a local monsey area destination and drops them back off at the same spot at the end of the day. It is $20 weekly per camper. It is offered for the boys, mini and girls camps


    Family Info.

    Emergency Contact Info


    In the event that we cannot be reached and in case of a medical emergency, I hereby authorize the physician selected by Camp Merockdim to secure complete and proper treatment for my child.

    2025 Fee Schedule

    Camp Fee

    Elite- grades 6-9 - BOYS: $335 weekly/ $2650 8 weeks -- GIRLS: $335 weekly/ $2650 8 weeks

    Child 1- BOYS: $320 weekly/ $2450 8 weeks -- GIRLS: $320 weekly/ $2450 8 weeks

    Child 2- BOYS: $310 weekly/ $2370 8 weeks -- GIRLS: $310 weekly/ $2370 8 weeks

    Child 3- BOYS: $305 weekly/ $2330 8 weeks -- GIRLS: $305 weekly/ $2330 8 weeks

    Child 4- BOYS: $300 weekly/ $2300 8 weeks -- GIRLS: $300 weekly/ $2300 8 weeks

    PreK- ages 2-5 $320 weekly/ $2450 8 weeks

    Transportation Fee- per child

    Monsey Area $55 weekly/ $400 8 weeks

    Northern NJ $80 weekly

    Manhattan $90 weekly

    Lunch Fee

    $35 per week per child

    2025 "ARHS" - DEADLINE 8/21/24 Any changes in registration after deadline are subject to regular rates.SEE FLYER FOR RATES. ARHS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.

    Pay in full now receive hot lunchPay $500 deposit per child now and balance 10/10/24 do NOT receive hot lunch

    NOVEMBER SPECIAL- DEADLINE NOV. 1 2024. Sign up by 11/1/24, and receive $30 off each camper each week, PLUS FREE HOT LUNCH!! PAY IN FULL NOW AND RECEIVE $50 OFF PER CAMPER PER WEEK PLUS FREE HOT LUNCH!!

    Pay in full now, receive $50 off per week per camper plus free hot lunchPay deposit now, receive $30 off per week per camper plus free hot lunch

    To receive November Special a $400 non-refundable deposit per child is due upon registering. The first half of the remaining balance is due on 1/1/25 and the second half is due on 3/1/25

    November special cannot be applied towards transportation. Any changes in registration after deadline are subject to regular rates.

    November Special: All funds in excess of the $400 deposit per child are refundable prior to 4/1/25. After 4/1/25 funds in excess of the $400 deposit are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. All refunds are payable after 11/15/25

    BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL- DEADLINE MONDAY DECEMBER 2ND, 2024. Sign up before 12/2/24 and receive $175 off each half summer applicant and $350 off each whole summer applicant!! Pay in full now and receive FREE HOT LUNCH!!!


    To receive Black Friday Special a $400 non-refundable deposit per child is due upon registering. The first half of the remaining balance is due on 1/25/25 and the second half is due on 3/25/25

    Black Friday Special cannot be applied towards transportation. Any changes in registration after deadline are subject to regular rates.

    Black Friday Special: All funds in excess of the $400 deposit per child are refundable prior to 4/1/25. After 4/1/25 funds in excess of the $400 deposit are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. All refunds are payable after 11/15/25


    Register by 1/1/25 and receive FREE HOT LUNCH for all campers!!

    January early bird registration must include a $400 non-refundable deposit per child and two checks for remainder balance dated 3/1/25 and 5/1/25 Any registration changes requested after 6/1/25 will be subject to a $25 processing fee for each change.

    January registration: All funds in excess of the $400 deposit per child are refundable prior to 5/1/25 After 5/1/25 funds in excess of the $400 deposit are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. All refunds are payable after 11/15/25


    Sign up with a group of 4 new to Merockdim campers (max group size is 10), and receive $300 off each full summer camper and $150 off each half summer camper.

    Group Special cannot be applied towards transportation. Any changes in registration after deadline are subject to regular rates.

    Group Special deposits are non-refundable. All funds in excess of the $400 deposit per child are refundable prior to 5/1/25. After 5/1/25 funds in excess of the $400 deposit are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. All refunds are payable after 11/15/25

    Important Notes

    Child 1= camper with highest fee

    Elite fee and Mini Merockdim fee are a flat rate and are not part of the sibling discount schedule

    2 week min. registration required

    Payment Info.

    Check- mail to 26 Parker Blvd. Monsey NY 10952Quickpay-send to

    Regular Registration

    Must include a non-refundable $400 deposit per child, plus checks for payment in full by 5/1/25. Applications will be charged in full upon receipt unless otherwise indicated.

    Any registration changes requested after 6/1/25 will be subject to a $25 processing fee for each change.

    All funds in excess of the $400 deposit per child are refundable prior to 5/1/25. After 5/1/25 funds in excess of the $400 deposit are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. All refunds are payable after 11/15/25

    Promo code