Please print the registration form below, or fill it out online. Camper Info Child 1 Attending FIRST HALF - 7/1/25-7/25/25SECOND HALF - 7/28/25-8/21/25WHOLE SUMMER - 7/1/25-8/21/25 DOB Grade Entering Yeshiva T-Shirt Size Youth SYouth MYouth LAdult SAdult MAdult LAdult XL OptionsShuttle is a charter service that picks the campers up from a local monsey area destination and drops them back off at the same spot at the end of the day. It is $20 weekly per camper. It is offered for the boys, mini and girls campsLunchBusShuttle Child 2 Attending FIRST HALF - 7/1/25-7/25/25SECOND HALF - 7/28/25-8/21/25WHOLE SUMMER - 7/1/25-8/21/25 DOB Grade Entering Yeshiva T-Shirt Size Youth SYouth MYouth LAdult SAdult MAdult LAdult XL OptionsShuttle is a charter service that picks the campers up from a local monsey area destination and drops them back off at the same spot at the end of the day. It is $20 weekly per camper. It is offered for the boys, mini and girls campsLunchBusShuttle Child 3 Attending FIRST HALF - 7/1/25-7/25/25SECOND HALF - 7/28/25-8/21/25WHOLE SUMMER - 7/1/25-8/21/25 DOB Grade Entering Yeshiva T-Shirt Size Youth SYouth MYouth LAdult SAdult MAdult LAdult XL OptionsShuttle is a charter service that picks the campers up from a local monsey area destination and drops them back off at the same spot at the end of the day. It is $20 weekly per camper. It is offered for the boys, mini and girls campsLunchBusShuttle Child 4 Attending FIRST HALF - 7/1/25-7/25/25SECOND HALF - 7/28/25-8/21/25WHOLE SUMMER - 7/1/25-8/21/25 DOB Grade Entering Yeshiva T-Shirt Size Youth SYouth MYouth LAdult SAdult MAdult LAdult XL OptionsShuttle is a charter service that picks the campers up from a local monsey area destination and drops them back off at the same spot at the end of the day. It is $20 weekly per camper. It is offered for the boys, mini and girls campsLunchBusShuttleFamily Info. Last Name Address Street Address Apt, Suite, Bldg. (optional) City State ALAKAZARCACOCTDEDCFLGAHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWVWIWY Zip Country CanadaIsraelMexicoUnited KingdomUnited StatesOther Father's Name Father's Occupation Mother's Name Mother's Occupation Your email Home Phone Father's Cell ph. Mother's Cell ph. Emergency Contact Info Emergency Name Emergency Number Relationship to Camper WAIVER In the event that we cannot be reached and in case of a medical emergency, I hereby authorize the physician selected by Camp Merockdim to secure complete and proper treatment for my child. Please print full name to authorize treatment 2025 Fee ScheduleCamp FeeElite- grades 6-9 - BOYS: $335 weekly/ $2650 8 weeks -- GIRLS: $335 weekly/ $2650 8 weeksChild 1- BOYS: $320 weekly/ $2450 8 weeks -- GIRLS: $320 weekly/ $2450 8 weeksChild 2- BOYS: $310 weekly/ $2370 8 weeks -- GIRLS: $310 weekly/ $2370 8 weeksChild 3- BOYS: $305 weekly/ $2330 8 weeks -- GIRLS: $305 weekly/ $2330 8 weeksChild 4- BOYS: $300 weekly/ $2300 8 weeks -- GIRLS: $300 weekly/ $2300 8 weeksPreK- ages 2-5 $320 weekly/ $2450 8 weeks Transportation Fee- per childMonsey Area $55 weekly/ $400 8 weeksNorthern NJ $80 weeklyManhattan $90 weekly Lunch Fee$35 per week per child 2025 "ARHS" - DEADLINE 8/21/24 Any changes in registration after deadline are subject to regular rates.SEE FLYER FOR RATES. ARHS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.2025 August Red Hot Special Pay in full now receive hot lunchPay $500 deposit per child now and balance 10/10/24 do NOT receive hot lunch NOVEMBER SPECIAL- DEADLINE NOV. 1 2024. Sign up by 11/1/24, and receive $30 off each camper each week, PLUS FREE HOT LUNCH!! PAY IN FULL NOW AND RECEIVE $50 OFF PER CAMPER PER WEEK PLUS FREE HOT LUNCH!!NOVEMBER EARLY BIRD SPECIALPay in full now, receive $50 off per week per camper plus free hot lunchPay deposit now, receive $30 off per week per camper plus free hot lunchTo receive November Special a $400 non-refundable deposit per child is due upon registering. The first half of the remaining balance is due on 1/1/25 and the second half is due on 3/1/25November special cannot be applied towards transportation. Any changes in registration after deadline are subject to regular rates.November Special: All funds in excess of the $400 deposit per child are refundable prior to 4/1/25. After 4/1/25 funds in excess of the $400 deposit are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. All refunds are payable after 11/15/25 BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL- DEADLINE MONDAY DECEMBER 2ND, 2024. Sign up before 12/2/24 and receive $175 off each half summer applicant and $350 off each whole summer applicant!! Pay in full now and receive FREE HOT LUNCH!!!BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALPAY ONLY DEPOSIT NOW, HOT LUNCH NOT INCLUDEDPAY IN FULL NOW, HOT LUNCH INCLUDEDTo receive Black Friday Special a $400 non-refundable deposit per child is due upon registering. The first half of the remaining balance is due on 1/25/25 and the second half is due on 3/25/25Black Friday Special cannot be applied towards transportation. Any changes in registration after deadline are subject to regular rates.Black Friday Special: All funds in excess of the $400 deposit per child are refundable prior to 4/1/25. After 4/1/25 funds in excess of the $400 deposit are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. All refunds are payable after 11/15/25SUBJECT TO CHANGE-EARLY BIRD DEADLINE- JANUARY 1, 2025Register by 1/1/25 and receive FREE HOT LUNCH for all campers!!January early bird registration must include a $400 non-refundable deposit per child and two checks for remainder balance dated 3/1/25 and 5/1/25 Any registration changes requested after 6/1/25 will be subject to a $25 processing fee for each change.January registration: All funds in excess of the $400 deposit per child are refundable prior to 5/1/25 After 5/1/25 funds in excess of the $400 deposit are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. All refunds are payable after 11/15/25SUBJECT TO CHANGE-GROUP SPECIAL-NO DEADLINE.Sign up with a group of 4 new to Merockdim campers (max group size is 10), and receive $300 off each full summer camper and $150 off each half summer camper.Group Special cannot be applied towards transportation. Any changes in registration after deadline are subject to regular rates.Group Special deposits are non-refundable. All funds in excess of the $400 deposit per child are refundable prior to 5/1/25. After 5/1/25 funds in excess of the $400 deposit are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. All refunds are payable after 11/15/25 Please list all names of people in your group. Important NotesChild 1= camper with highest feeElite fee and Mini Merockdim fee are a flat rate and are not part of the sibling discount schedule2 week min. registration requiredPayment Info.Method of PaymentCheck- mail to 26 Parker Blvd. Monsey NY 10952Quickpay-send to office.leep@gmail.comRegular RegistrationMust include a non-refundable $400 deposit per child, plus checks for payment in full by 5/1/25. Applications will be charged in full upon receipt unless otherwise indicated.Any registration changes requested after 6/1/25 will be subject to a $25 processing fee for each change.All funds in excess of the $400 deposit per child are refundable prior to 5/1/25. After 5/1/25 funds in excess of the $400 deposit are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. All refunds are payable after 11/15/25 Referred By Text Email Promo codePromo Code Δ