Complete the application below and someone will get back to you. All fields are required unless otherwise stated. NameAgeDate of BirthAddressCityStateZipEmailPhoneT-Shirt Size—Please choose an option—Youth SYouth MYouth LAdult SAdult MAdult LAdult XLCellPrefer Text Messages?YesNoSchool AttendingGrade AttendingCamp's attended as camperPlease select position you are applying forCounselorJunior CounselorLifeguardMothers helperSpecialty AssistantApplying ForWhole SummerFirst HalfSecond HalfWhich age group do you prefer?Grades 1-2Grades 3-5Grades 6-9Do you have any past experience? If yes, please list where, your job and how long you worked there: Please check any of the following attributes that you could share with us as a staff member at Camp Merockdim: SingingDancingActingArtisticSportsOtherIf Other List two references (not family members), their phone numbers and relationship to youReference 1Relationship to youReference 2Relationship to youΔ